Enchanting Reverie: Will Juergens and Mars Today's Timeless Collaboration in “Softly”


Prepare to be transported to a realm of serene nostalgia with Will Juergens' latest masterpiece, "Softly," featuring the soulful contributions of Mars Today. This collaboration immerses listeners in a soft and spacious sonic landscape, where Will's ethereal vocals take center stage, supported by Mars Today's mesmerizing hook. With its timeless charm and refreshing authenticity, "Softly" instantly captivates, seamlessly merging the old and the new to create a truly immersive musical experience.

Indeed, "Softly" is a remarkable collaboration that demonstrates Will Juergens' ability to curate a mesmerizing soundscape, drawing inspiration from the golden era of retro soul while infusing it with his distinctive touch. With Mars Today's contributions adding a layer of soulful allure, the song seamlessly transports listeners to a dreamlike realm where emotions intertwine and memories are revived. As Will Juergens continues to build his sonic and visual universe, "Softly" stands as a testament to his artistry, leaving us eagerly anticipating the release of the full "Shade Furnace" EP. Prepare to be enchanted by the timeless beauty of "Softly" and allow its soothing melodies to whisk you away on a journey of chill and romantic bliss.