Tay Toe's Latest Single “The Chosen One” Stands As A Powerful Ode to Authenticity and Self-Belief


Enter the extraordinary realm of Tay Toe, a rising star in the world of rap and alternative hip-hop. With his empowering anthem, "The Chosen One," Tay Toe delivers a resounding message to the skeptics and dream-dismissers. Unmasking the personas adopted by many, he unveils his true self, driven by authenticity and a relentless pursuit of excellence. This captivating track is a testament to his unwavering commitment to being the absolute best, guided by his genuine efforts and unyielding belief in his own potential. Through poignant references to basketball legends like Scottie Pippen and LeBron James, Tay Toe seamlessly weaves together themes of competition, athleticism, and the power of self-belief. "The Chosen One" is a call to embrace our individuality, ignite our inner spark, and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. Stream below.