Hunger inspired Mae Mae to write food-based metaphors In her Song "Apple Boy".


Hailing from Atlanta Georgia, singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Mae Mae, serves up a special single entitled "Apple Boy". The track is a laid back production, exhibiting an indie pop music structure, with colourful melodic pads. The songwriting metaphorically expounds the singer's love life through a culinary description.

Indeed, the creative idea behind the single is both intriguing and very inspiring. In other words, because of her diet and plagued by hunger and taste cravings, which gave her a rather orthodox idea, Mae Mae humorously began to write — metaphorically — food-based lyrical pieces to describe her life in general. She explains it in her own words by saying:

I was on a juice cleanse at the time. I would go to the studio super hungry, and I would jokingly start writing about food as a metaphor for life. I liked that, given the state of the world and how dark things are right now, laughing was a great medicine. Food became the theme of almost the entire EP. The song is about falling in love with a bad apple, not a bad boy. A very nice boy, actually. The whole song is a metaphor.