Canadian Beauty - Nova Rose - Releases “Somebody Else"


Montreal star, Nova Rose, has come out with a song in celebration of finding the courage to unveil yourself genuinely and completely to encourage others to liberate their own truth.

Somebody Else was a song written at a time when Rose did not feel she fit in to the typical look of what the music industry was expecting from female artists. But, she inevitably realized that she does not need to wait for others to find that she fits perfectly the way she is. What matters most is having people who appreciate you and accept you without needing to be in "superstar” mode 24/7 (ie. hair, makeup, wardrobe). She just wants to make good music and be comfortable in her own skin.

This inspiring artist pushes us to accept ourselves at any state - whether that be in sweatpants and sneakers or a beautiful gown with six-inch heels. We are all enough as we are. If you ever need the reminder - listen to Somebody Else now.