Alexander Stewart Dives into Emotional Seas with “if you only knew”


Delving into Alexander Stewart's "if you only knew" resembles an expedition into a subaquatic kingdom, aglow with the incandescent radiance of unadulterated, emotive profundity. This ballad, a resplendent gem in the diadem of his latest EP, reverberates with the cool, introspective undulations reminiscent of an oceanic odyssey, charting the virgin territories of love, camaraderie, and the roiling seas of mental wellbeing. Stewart's vocalization, a guiding luminary in the vast waters of Adult Contemporary music, deftly sails through the straits of vulnerability and emotional release, anchoring the listeners in a sea of contemplation.

The composition itself embarks on a submarine passage through the subterranean chambers of the human mind, with its lyrics functioning as a sonar, unveiling the concealed crevasses of the spirit. Stewart's candid revelation of his inner battles, encapsulated in the haunting strains of "if you only knew," sends forth ripples of empathy that tenderly graze the heart as though they were waves whispering against the shoreline. He plunges into the depths of his personal experiences, illuminating the often veiled tribulations of emotional upheaval with the luminosity of an adept lyricist.

This track transcends its musical identity, evolving into a submersed journey of self-exploration and enlightenment. Each stanza represents a further descent into the depths of Stewart's psyche, unearthing the pearls of his most intimate thoughts and fears. As he unveils his narrative, listeners are beckoned to dive into their own reflective abyss, finding comfort in the realization that even in the most shadowy depths of the human condition, isolation is a myth. "if you only knew" is not merely a melody; it is a lifeline cast into the ocean of existence, offering a buoy of hope to those battling to remain buoyant amidst their own emotional ebbs and flows.