Unwind with Makeda's Summer Serenade and Dive into 'Come Over's' Enchanting Embrace.


As time ticks and pirouettes, Makeda's new single "Come Over" emerges as the velvety undertone of a sultry midsummer night's dream. Picture, if you will, an ephemeral ballet of shadows and moonbeams, where every beat throbs with the tender pulse of new love—fresh, intoxicating, and unapologetically bold. The track's ambiance is reminiscent of stolen glances across twilight-lit beaches, and whispered confessions intermingling with the sweet taste of sea salt on lovers' lips.

Makeda masterfully beckons listeners into her R&B dreamscape, an ethereal realm where summer flings aren’t mere fleeting indulgences but deliciously lingering notes in the grand symphony of life. This isn't just a tune—it's an invitation to momentarily eclipse life’s complexities and savor that pristine splendor of the "now." Dare to be impulsive, let your heartstrings be plucked, and let Makeda's sultry serenade envelop you. As the sun-drenched days morph into balmy nights, remember: in the kaleidoscope of summer, every emotion is intensified, every touch a sonnet, and with "Come Over," love becomes an exquisite dance of serendipity. Stream below