Embrace Maida Rose's Melodic Balm as “Anymore” Echoes the Heart's Resilient Rhythms.


Peeling back the fragile veneer of human psyche, Maida Rose navigates the precipice of raw emotions and haunting melodies in their poignant single, "Anymore." Their ethereal blend of Indie Folk and Alt Pop resonates in the silent crevices of our hearts, becoming a lighthouse for souls adrift in tumultuous seas of existential despair. Celebrating a decade of unyielding camaraderie, songwriters Javièr den Leeuw and Roos Meijer weave a tapestry of melancholic tales, interspersed with silver threads of hope and compassion. With every soulful strum, one can't help but envision the bitter-sweet symphony of an autumn leaf making its descent, representing both the fragility and cyclical nature of existence. Released fittingly on World Mental Health Day, "Anymore" becomes a clarion call — a delicate embrace for those teetering on life's edges, whispering to them of their intrinsic worth. If music has the power to heal, then Maida Rose's latest offering is undoubtedly a balm for frayed souls, reminding each listener of their irreplaceable place in the grand tapestry of life. Stream below