Benison Transmutes Heartbreak in “Running From It”


"Running From It" by Benison, an intricate symphony within the realms of Indie Pop and Pop Rap, captivates the listener with its profound emotional resonance. This composition, steeped in a mood of introspective vigor, serves as a paradigm of sonic transmutation, intertwining narratives of melancholy within a backdrop of an indie-pop instrumental, perfect for summer reveries. Benison's vocal talent, a seamless fusion of unadulterated feeling and refined musicianship, charts the stormy waters of post-romantic desolation with a genuineness that is as mesmerizing as it is poignant. The track delineates a striking portrait of a spirit haunted by the ghost of a former love, with each line adding hues of longing and unresolved desire.

The echoing refrain, "I just wanna go back home," reverberates as a poignant anthem for those ensnared by love, succinctly capturing the arduous journey of moving on whilst being anchored to bygone memories. Benison's lyrical artistry, rich with metaphors encompassing loss and the desire to escape, elevates the personal to the universal, beckoning listeners to find a semblance of comfort in the collective experience of love's joy and sorrow. "Running From It" emerges not just as a musical piece but as a testament to the transformative essence of music, transmuting the agony of heartbreak into a cathartic and almost celebratory hymn for the healing heart. Stream below